Post Mortem: Take to Heart

A writer is always growing. And is always human. In creating Take to Heart, I've ran into problems that I could have easily solved if I was more proactive. Mistakes could have been easily avoided if I were to just planned accordingly and have guidelines that steered me away from having to deal with the inconvenience. But nothing is more fun than learning from your mistakes. And failing is the best way to tell your brain to be aware and to hone in the behavior that encourages you to be more proactive. That said, I learned a lot while writing my first script. Unless you're blessed with the talent from a thousand gods, your first work will always be sloppy. It will never be the pretty sight we imagine when we start pursuing any skill or hobby. Fortunately, for those willing to learn, that's half the pleasure in pursuing such things. Keeping track of your progress and seeing how much you've grown adds more incentive to be better. You don't always know what you don...