Games and Movies

Schindler's List A picture and a song can only do so much. It can try its best in being expressive but its limit is determined by its lack of potential, knowing that it could have the essential half Movies are best at letting you be engrossed in a story. Games are best letting you be immersed in an experience. One can't do what the other does best. Games are about interactivity. Feeling like you're there. Movies let you witness a life right in front of you. Games are overall superior in that it can branch between doing what games do best and diving into territories of film. Having stories, characters, ideas, and messages that you'll love and cherish. While games can go a path of film-like practices, it'll feel more and more like a movie and less of an actual game. The flowchart of all the possible paths the player can take in one of the many chapters of Detroit: Become Human It's never a black and white thing when it comes to games. "Is this a ga...